If you are interested in joining AEF in our mission to improve the lives of China’s youth, we welcome you to become an Ordinary Member of AEF for an annual subscription fee of HK$1,000.00.

If you wish to become a Life Member of AEF, we welcome a one-off subscription fee of HK$20,000.00.

To become a member of AEF, please fill in the electronic form below. Alternatively, you can fax, email, or mail the form to us at:

12/F, Dominion Centre
43-59 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong.

Fax: (852) 2854 9596

Email: aef@charltonslaw.com


After selecting the scholarship recipients, AEF will direct the funds to the relevant university, instructing the university to use the funds to cover the tuition fees of the scholarship students.

You may send us your subscription dues either:

By crossed cheque -

Please send your crossed cheque to:

Asia Education Foundation Limited
12/F, Dominion Centre
43-59 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong.

By direct deposit -

Bank account details will be provided upon request

Upon sending your dues please also fax your deposit receipt, your name and contact details to us at:

Fax: (852) 2854 9596.